Building for a green future
Our vision "Pride in development" represents the foundation of all our businesses. In J.B. Ugland Eiendom our goal is to create long-term values, while at the same time adding the highest possible returns to our real estate projects.
Real estate involves substantial investment and involves many different interests. Experience and competence helps us navigate through challenging waters. We seek close collaboration with our partners to ensure good planning, strategic management and effective project implementation.
J.B. Ugland Eiendom looks after the group's activities within real estate development, management and construction. We have ongoing projects in several cities in the south of Norway (Arendal, Grimstad, Lillesand and Kristiansand) and the Oslo-region.

J.B. Ugland Eiendom ivaretar konsernets aktiviteter innen eiendomsutvikling, forvaltning og entreprenørvirksomhet. Selskapet har i dag 22 ansatte med betydelig kompetanse innen utvikling, planlegging, forvaltning og gjennomføring av byggeprosjekter. Vi har til enhver tid pågående prosjekter i sørlandsbyene Arendal, Grimstad, Lillesand og Kristiansand, samt i Oslo-regionen.